Turismo negli Usa, a 10% gli arrivi degli undici mesi

di silvana piana
Leggi anche: Italia, Stati Uniti

Sono stati 55 milioni i visitatori internazionali negli Stati Uniti nei primi undici mesi del 2010. Il bilancio è del Dipartimento del Commercio statunitense, che quantifica in un 10% l'incremento rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2009. Nel solo mese di novembre i visitatori sono stati 4,6 milioni, il 3% in più su novembre 2009: il 14esimo mese consecutivo di crescita per l'incoming nel Paese. Le spese totali dei turisti negli undici mesi sono state pari a 122,7 miliardi di dollari, l'11% in più rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno precedente. Nel mese di novembre i visitatori hanno speso 11,4 miliardi di dollari, pari al 14% in più sul 2009. Dall'Italia l'aumento di arrivi anno su anno è stato del 12%, mentre novembre si è chiuso con una progressione di 22 punti percentuali per un totale di quasi 750mila viaggiatori, lo stesso dato di tutto il 2009.


  * November YTD 2010, overseas resident visits (24.1 million) were up 12 percent compared to the same period 2009.
  * In November 2010, overseas resident visitation (2.0 million) was up 11 percent over November 2009.
  * Compared to the first 11 months of 2008, November YTD 2010 overseas resident visits increased four percent. November 2010 overseas resident visits were up 10 percent compared to November 2008.

  * Compared to the first 11 months of 2000, overseas resident visits were up one percent.

*Top 10 Countries*

  * In the first 11 months of 2010, nine of the top 10 countries posted increases in visitation to the United States. November YTD 2010, the United Kingdom posted the only decline, registering a one percent decrease when compared to the same period in 2009.

  * In November 2010, eight of the top 10 countries posted increases in resident visitation for the month. However, for the month, visitation from Mexico declined 15 percent, and visits from the United Kingdom dropped one percent.

*Country of Residence* *% Change YTD
November 2010/2009* *% Change
November 2010 vs. 2009* Canada 11% 10% Mexico 6% -15% United Kingdom -1% -1% Japan 17% 14% Germany 3% 1% France 12% 25% Brazil 35% 29% South Korea 53% 62% Australia 25% 15% Italy 12% 22%

*Top Ports: YTD November 2010*
YTD November 2010, visitation through the top 15 ports of entry accounted for 82 percent of all overseas visits-three percentage points lower than last year. The top three ports (New York JFK, Miami and Los Angeles) accounted for 38 percent of all overseas arrivals, more than one percentage point below last year. Twelve of the top 15 ports posted increases in arrivals during the first 11 months of 2010. Six of these ports posted double-digit increases.

*Access to OTTI Data*
Manufacturing and Services' Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI) collects, analyzes and disseminates international travel and tourism statistics from the U.S. Travel and Tourism Statistical System. OTTI produces visitation data tables, including a more detailed region, country and port analyses. To access this data, you are encouraged to visit the OTTI monthly arrivals page at <http://www.tinet.ita.doc.gov/view/m-2010-I-001/index.html>.

*National Export Initiative*
To improve conditions that directly affect the private sector's ability to export and to boost employment recovery, on March 11, 2010 President Obama created the National Export Initiative (NEI). The automation of the arrival/departure form [CBP Form I-94W] for Visa Waiver Program travelers supports this initiative as the automated form will greatly improve the measurement of international arrival data to the United States. To learn more about the NEI, you are encouraged to visit



Throughout this report, percent changes posted for international visitation to the United States for November 2010 were calculated by comparing data in November 2010 to data in November 2009. Also, percent changes posted for year to date 2010 were calculated by comparing data January - November 2010 to data January - November 2009.

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Leggi anche: Italia, Stati Uniti


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